Why Advertise on SAKETALK

SAKETALK helps people worldwide rediscover Japanese Sake. Among our small team of experts, it’s our goal to help people learn about Sake visually. That’s why we create original, high quality, free, educational content with infographics, images and videos.

A majority of visitors to SAKETALK (as of April 2015) are:

  • English-spoken
  • From the U.S., Singapore, U.K., Canada, Australia and Japan (Top 6 countries).
  • Have interest in or passion for Japanese Sake


Sake drinkers (from beginners to experts) are always looking for good Sake that they can buy from abroad. And we want to help them do so.

Do you produce / sell Sake? Let us connect you with potential consumers who have passion for Sake.

What we write:

  • Product Review
  • Article on your new product
  • Article on your brand / Sake brewery
  • Article on your store
  • Others (Feel free to contact us, what you would like us to write about.)

If you would like us to write an actual review on your Sake product by our Sake sommeliers, feel free to send us a sample bottle in Japan. Otherwise, we will only be able to write objective review provided by you (and we will state on the article that we haven’t tasted it and that the tasting note / review is not from us). With samples, we will give the honest review on the Sake for the sake of visitors to our website. Please note that we reserve the right to ridicule horrible Sake.


  • 1 Article: ¥10000 (approx. USD 80)
  • Product Review on Youtube: ¥3000 (approx. USD 25) Only available along with Product Review. Sample Sake must be provided.

We’ve just launched this service and we’re still in the growth phase (currently restructuring the whole site). Thus, we offer a reasonable fee for promotional purpose. The fees will be raised in the near future.


Display: Build awareness and encourage people to take action by advertising on the SAKETALK website and on SNS pages (Facebook, Twitter and Google+). A range of premium ad formats are available, such as leaderboard, medium rectangle, half-page, sponsor cluster, and in-post.

Feel free to contact us for quotes.


Collaborate with Us

Do you have a special offer or deal that is relevant to our visitors? Feel free to contact us!